Sentence for decorations | Use decorations in a sentence

Sentences with decorations. The sentences below are ordered by length from shorter and easier to longer and more complex. They use decorations in a sentence, providing visitors a sentence for decorations.

  • He has received many decorations from various courts of Europe. (3)
  • She will set him aiming at power to trick her out in the decorations. (10)
  • The lady accepted the decorations thus bestowed on her, with much grace and willingness. (10)
  • One of the relief decorations shows a festival procession in honor of the returning conqueror. (3)
  • Plaster is broken by moving furniture, and decorations stained by accidents of all varieties. (17)
  • The place was intensely light, in the candour of a summer day which had no reserves; and the brilliancy was not broken by the simple decorations. (9)

Also see sentences for: clothes, finery, gear, ornaments, trappings.

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