Sentence for deuce | Use deuce in a sentence

Sentences with deuce in them. The sentences below are ordered by length from shorter and easier to longer and more complex. They use deuce in a sentence, providing visitors a sentence for deuce.

  • The deuce! (8)
  • Let him go to the deuce! (9)
  • Deuce she did! (8)
  • Deuce you did! (8)
  • Deuce they are! (8)
  • The deuce he was! (8)
  • The deuce you do! (8)
  • The deuce she does! (8)
  • Plays the deuce, you know. (10)
  • She dances like the deuce. (10)
  • The deuce of a lot of expansion had gone on. (8)
  • What the deuce have you got into your head? (10)
  • Who the deuce are we if we leave this place? (8)
  • Deuce of a time since he had dined in full fig! (8)
  • And it took a deuce of a lot of making, at that! (8)
  • It hits the fixed inherited income like the very deuce. (8)
  • What the deuce he was to do for money he did not know. (10)
  • I met George coming away from her in a deuce of a hurry. (8)
  • Fellow comes here, gives me a start, tells me to be cool; what the deuce! (10)
  • Deuce of a straight line she had taken about Mrs. Lees Noel! (8)
  • I wonder what the deuce Gambier had to do in Monmouthshire. (10)
  • And what the deuce made her suddenly trot out the skeleton like this? (8)
  • What the deuce was the good of talking about regularity and self-respect? (8)
  • But what the deuce do you do, carrying that great big looking-glass at night, man? (10)
  • How the deuce to address it, and what direction to write on it, were further difficulties. (10)
  • That man I do suspect A coward, who would burden the poor deuce With what ensues from his own slipperiness. (10)

Also see sentences for: devil, lucifer, satan.

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