Sentence for devil | Use devil in a sentence

A sentence for the word devil. The sentences below are ordered by length from shorter and easier to longer and more complex. They use devil in a sentence, providing visitors a sentence for devil.

  • The devil! (8)
  • Poor devil! (8)
  • The little devil! (8)
  • This is the devil! (8)
  • Ah, the lucky devil! (8)
  • Quench its blush, Devil! (10)
  • Time was certainly the devil! (8)
  • The devil was in him. (22)
  • The devil, you are not. (6)
  • Devil a young one here. (10)
  • That poor devil Builder! (8)
  • That was the devil of it! (8)
  • Where the devil is Roper? (8)
  • It was the devil of a mess! (8)
  • There had been a devil in him. (8)
  • And so he sat nursing the devil. (10)
  • Better go to the devil than give in! (8)
  • Who the devil were all these people? (8)
  • What the devil would they do with her? (8)
  • To the devil with our days of benignity! (10)
  • And how the devil does it all concern me? (12)
  • I mean this man, this devil, Barto Rizzo. (10)
  • It is the devil, think as you like of it. (10)
  • She has become a little devil in politics. (10)
  • Drinks like a fish, and rides like the devil. (8)
  • Once in the air, the devil has hold of them. (10)
  • He wished him at the devil with all his heart. (4)
  • What devil of pride has got into you, Stephen? (8)
  • She may go and call on the devil himself if she likes. (8)
  • He had been hooked, and had found the devil in person. (10)
  • Pictures, poems, processions, with the Devil downmost! (10)
  • A Faust-like legend might spring from him: he had a devil. (10)
  • The devil himself was not more disillusioned than those two. (8)
  • The magnanimous devil plumped his gorge contentedly on victory. (10)
  • We have been undertaking to frighten the Devil with cold pitch. (14)
  • I never saw such a petard of a man; I think the devil was in him. (2)
  • The delirium came by fits, as if a devil lurked to surprise him. (22)
  • When I went to her last night, that devil had found her out again. (8)
  • What the devil do you mean by daring to speak while I am speaking? (10)
  • He was like a white devil, and speaking calm and polite all the time. (10)
  • He was like a white devil, and speaking calm and polite all the time. (22)
  • Such an arrangement appears hardly fair on the world or on the devil. (10)
  • He felt that he had raised a devil in that abominable smirking ruffian. (10)
  • The unhappy fellow was precipitated by the devil of his false position. (10)
  • Did the detestable little devil think silly duelling a display of valour? (10)
  • I say I saw the Devil himself fly off Drachenfels, and flop into Cologne. (10)
  • As he sat alone in the forlorn dead-hush of his library, he saw the devil. (10)
  • And Swithin this time did the same; he pitied this poor devil of a youth now. (8)
  • Her husband seems a sensible fellow, though; but the devil of a free-thinker. (8)
  • We have let the blunderers and the waves Divide us, and the devil had sport. (10)
  • What the devil does Sir John mean by not having a billiard room in his house? (4)
  • Instead of a mild, pleasant-looking chap enough, he had become a regular cold devil. (8)
  • What a devil was man, who could yet rise to such sublime heights of love and heroism! (8)
  • A lureful devil, that in glow-worm light Set languor writhing all its folds, she quenched. (10)
  • Jacob, I am; Baumwalder, I am; Feckelwitz, likewise; and the very devil for following a track. (10)
  • Their manufactories are spreading like the webs of the devil to suck the blood of the country. (10)
  • There was in her bosom a terrible determination to cast a devil out of the one she best loved. (10)
  • The perverse little devil, since she would not be taken with kindness, must even go with pricking. (2)
  • That he or any one else should have hostile sentiments toward a poor devil like me seemed strange. (10)
  • But on that very day, as the devil would have it, persons had come from the court and questioned her. (12)
  • A vivacious old man, whom I take to have been the devil, drew near and questioned me about our journey. (2)
  • A clash of voices, for the Devil and against him, burst on this accurate description of the Evil spirit. (10)
  • He had hitherto been free of it, regarding jealousy as a foreign devil, the accursed familiar of the vulgar. (10)
  • How the devil had he gone on all these years in the same house with that woman, dining with her day after day! (8)
  • Accuse him: some devil committed the theft, Which leaves of the portly a skin, No more; of the weighty a whine. (10)
  • The devil was in the parsons, he said: in his time they were modest creatures and stuck to the bottle and heaven. (10)
  • She has diddled you, and she would diddle me, and diddle us all-diddle the devil, I dare say, when her time comes. (10)
  • And Colonel Martlett, representing the older Tory policy of: What the devil would happen to the landowners if they did? (8)
  • He had known men who would ride at the devil himself, make it a point of honour to swindle a friend out of a few pounds! (8)
  • The devil, he loudly proclaimed, has a multiplicity of lures, and none more deadly than when he baits with a petticoat. (10)
  • Whether one may desire to free that poor devil from his terrible situation, or not, is a problem of decency and humanity. (12)
  • And if the devil snare me, body and mind, Here gratefully I score:- he seemed kind, When not a soul would comfort my distress! (10)
  • Then it was that he relapsed undistractedly upon processes of his mind and he often said he thought Fortune would beat the devil. (10)
  • Now, if the fact were declared and attested, if her shallowness were seen proved, one might get free of the devil she plants in the breast. (10)

Also see sentences for: demon, deuce, fiend, lucifer, satan.

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