Sentence for diligence | Use diligence in a sentence

Diligence in a sample sentence. The sentences below are ordered by length from shorter and easier to longer and more complex. They use diligence in a sentence, providing visitors a sentence for diligence.

  • A diligence engaged to deliver me within a few miles of Sarkeld. (10)
  • The wage he can command depends strictly upon his skill and diligence. (9)
  • When I arrived at the village of St. Jacques, the diligence had not come up. (6)
  • There is no one that will respect your royal will with as much diligence as your faithful diplomat, Roderick Barclugh. (18)
  • The ropedancer, Kuni, really had been with the sick mother and her babes, and had toiled for them with the utmost diligence. (5)
  • Rhoda made her relate how this man had seen her first, and how, by untiring diligence, he had followed her up and found her. (10)
  • Rhoda made her relate how this man had seen her first, and how, by untiring diligence, he had followed her up and found her. (22)
  • Do they mean anything more or less than the Mastery which comes to any man according to his powers and diligence in any direction? (9)
  • While this lively work had been doing in the center, there had been no lack of diligence elsewhere, and now all were as busy as bees. (7)
  • There will not be the smallest occasion for your coming to town again; therefore stay quiet at Longbourn, and depend on my diligence and care. (4)

Also see sentences for: constancy, exertion, industry, perseverance, persistence, work.

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