Sentence for disastrous | Use disastrous in a sentence

A sentence using the word disastrous. The sentences below are ordered by length from shorter and easier to longer and more complex. They use disastrous in a sentence, providing visitors a sentence for disastrous.

  • The accidents seldom have disastrous endings. (21)
  • The windmills are attacked, with disastrous results. (3)
  • It was a disastrous plight, for Mrs. Shorne was penniless. (10)
  • Many a bitter bowl had he partaken of with that disastrous comrade. (2)
  • Both ladies knew it was a dangerous, likely to turn out a disastrous, expedition. (10)
  • We have had disastrous weather here, a cold of Antenora, with fierce winds to drive it in. (14)
  • It preaches to the eminently placed: For whom disastrous wreckage is nigh due, Paints omen. (10)
  • Such expedients, though used for temporary effect, are lasting in their disastrous consequences. (14)
  • With this question my disastrous big heart came thundering up to the closed doors of-comprehension. (10)
  • But scarcely less disastrous would be the fallacious hopes raised in the South by the success of Mr. Tilden. (14)
  • The people there had never heard she was called an unlucky boat; they knew of nothing disastrous in her history. (9)
  • It was beyond his faculties to divine that her not forsaking of Edward might haply come to mean something disastrous to him. (10)
  • It was beyond his faculties to divine that her not forsaking of Edward might haply come to mean something disastrous to him. (22)
  • In the summer of 1908 disastrous fires raged in the northern Lake country, and great areas of standing timber were destroyed. (16)
  • The suit, if brought, will be a very unpleasant matter for George, a still more unpleasant, even disastrous one, for his people. (8)
  • Now something must be done to stop the disastrous war and at the same stroke recoup the waning fortunes of himself and his cronies. (18)
  • The effect of so enormously increasing the already disproportionate number of workers in a single generation could be no other than disastrous. (7)
  • The composer must make this appeal adequate to the effect; anything less would result in an anti-climax totally disastrous to dramatic illusion. (3)
  • The oddly coupled pair deplored, among their respective friends, the disastrous Siamese twinship created by a haphazard improvident Liberal camp. (10)
  • The whole story would have been speedily formed under her active imagination; and every thing established in the most melancholy order of disastrous love. (4)
  • Some of the contemporary monarchies of Europe were afflicted with it, but by the divine favor which ever guards a throne its disastrous effects were averted. (7)

Also see sentences for: baleful, calamitous, deplorable, ill-fated, ill-starred, unfortunate, unlucky.

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