Sentence for discomfort | Use discomfort in a sentence

Discomfort sentence example. The sentences below are ordered by length from shorter and easier to longer and more complex. They use discomfort in a sentence, providing visitors a sentence for discomfort.

  • I hate discomfort. (8)
  • Still there is some discomfort. (7)
  • All felt a sense of discomfort. (12)
  • He gave her a feeling of profound discomfort. (12)
  • I never suffer it without more or less discomfort. (1)
  • Then horror and discomfort rose up in him, afresh. (8)
  • He felt that she was ruffled by a vague discomfort. (8)
  • The signs of uneasiness and discomfort grow on him. (8)
  • He had never forgotten the discomfort of the experience. (8)
  • It was more an acute discomfort, an increasing loneliness. (8)
  • Should we be as patient as they are with their discomfort? (9)
  • He could not make out whether Fulkerson shared his discomfort or not. (9)
  • The rest of a very short interview was passed in exquisite discomfort. (8)
  • Fiorsen shook his head, and there followed half an hour of acute discomfort. (8)
  • The tone and the word gave Fulkerson a discomfort which he promptly confessed. (9)
  • Jimmy Fort walked away from Camelot Mansions that evening in extreme discomfort of mind. (8)
  • So musing he mounted the car, followed by his dog, and sat down in considerable discomfort. (8)
  • The sense of physical discomfort which first attacked him became a sort of aching in his heart. (8)
  • They had eaten their cake, and it had been good, but there remained a discomfort in the digestion. (9)
  • Mr. Pendyce, too, caught that scent of lavender, and in some vague way it augmented his discomfort. (8)
  • He could afford to smile now at his past discomfort, having no longer the sense of duty unfulfilled. (8)
  • We must have a couple of Powers to account for discomfort when Egoism is the kernel of our religion. (10)
  • Muffled in distance, the whining drone of that thresher still came travelling, deepening her discomfort. (8)
  • There were certain faces, types of discomfort and disease, which appealed from the beginning to the end. (9)
  • Shelton sat down beside him; unconsciously assuming, too, a cross-legged attitude, which caused him much discomfort. (8)
  • Winton got up in the discomfort of these sudden confidences; a blackbird, startled by the movement, ceased his song. (8)
  • And so the futile day wore on to its dreary close, and then to a night of discomfort succeeded a day of apprehension. (1)
  • Imagine an existence in which happiness, of whatever intensity, is the rule, and discomfort, of whatever moderation, the exception. (7)
  • Vernon, however, not seeing this novelty, continued, to her excessive discomfort, to baste her old abandoned image with his praises. (10)
  • And rain, the heaviest you can meet, is a lively companion when the resolute pacer scorns discomfort of wet clothes and squealing boots. (10)
  • For thought makes demands on an energy already in full use; thought causes introspection; and introspection causes discomfort, and disturbs the grooves of action. (8)

Also see sentences for: agony, distress, misery, pain, suffering, torture.

Definition of discomfort:

  • discomfort, dis-kum’furt, n. want of comfort: uneasiness: pain. | v.t. to deprive of comfort: to make uneasy: to pain: to grieve. | adj. discom’fortable, causing discomfort: uncomfortable. (0)

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