Sentence for distinguishing | Use distinguishing in a sentence

Distinguishing example sentences. The sentences below are ordered by length from shorter and easier to longer and more complex. They use distinguishing in a sentence, providing visitors a sentence for distinguishing.

  • Every distinguishing attention that could be paid, was paid to her. (4)
  • Venus or Fortune smote them to a relievo distinguishing one from another. (10)
  • As it is, with no distinguishing marks, we are liable to buy one thing and get another. (16)
  • A hot dinner on Sundays was a little distinguishing elegance common to this house and many others. (8)
  • A group of Paris Conservatory professors constitute the most distinguishing teaching talent in France today. (3)
  • Vastly developed by the growth of orchestral resources, it is the distinguishing feature of the modern music drama. (3)
  • Italian melody in its best estate on a foundation of German depth and solidity is its distinguishing characteristic. (3)
  • He groped about him as though not distinguishing objects too well through the crystal clearness of the fundamental flux. (8)
  • On distinguishing the ladies of the group, the two gentlemen came directly towards them, and began the usual civilities. (4)
  • She thinks I can go right into court and begin distinguishing myself, if I can fight the people off from sending me to Congress. (9)
  • The wish of distinguishing her, as far as civility permitted, was very evident, though it could not often proceed beyond a look. (4)
  • Grace and simplicity, scrupulous adaptation of the music to the clearness of diction always demanded by French taste were its distinguishing characteristics. (3)
  • Another worrying habit he had, too, that of apparently not distinguishing between them and any tramps or strangers who might happen along and come across him. (8)

Also see sentences for: characteristic, discriminating, distinctive, peculiar.

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