Sentence for dixon | Use dixon in a sentence

Use dixon in a sentence. The sentences below are ordered by length from shorter and easier to longer and more complex. They use dixon in a sentence, providing visitors a sentence for dixon.

  • Dixon is very musical, is he? (4)
  • It is Mrs. Dixon, I dare say. (4)
  • I had not thought of Mrs. Dixon. (4)
  • But Mrs. Dixon must be very much disappointed. (4)
  • Emma could not speak the name of Dixon without a little blush. (4)
  • And Mr. Dixon seems a very charming young man, quite worthy of him. (4)
  • Jane, do you know I always fancy Mr. Dixon like Mr. John Knightley. (4)
  • Mrs. Dixon has persuaded her father and mother to come over and see her directly. (4)
  • Finally, Dixon, the under-factor, offered to show himself and placate the French. (19)
  • Yes, I immediately perceive that it must be the joint present of Mr. and Mrs. Dixon. (4)
  • Considering the very particular friendship between her and Mrs. Dixon, you could hardly have expected her to be excused from accompanying Colonel and Mrs. (4)

Also see sentences for: divorced, dizzily.

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