Sentence for dominique | Use dominique in a sentence

Sentences for dominique. The sentences below are ordered by length from shorter and easier to longer and more complex. They use dominique in a sentence, providing visitors a sentence for dominique.

  • Sending Dominique for things. (8)
  • He sent Dominique for his hat. (8)
  • She made Dominique take the seat opposite. (8)
  • It came from Dominique, who was holding out a pair of boots. (8)
  • He had a servant, a Luganese, named Dominique, devoted to him. (8)
  • For days together he would allow no one but Dawney, Dominique, and the paid nurse in the room. (8)
  • It was the voice of Dominique, whose face, illumined by a match, wore an expression of ironical disgust. (8)
  • Dominique was observed draining a glass of Chianti, and solemnly casting forth the last drops in libation. (8)
  • Christian could not eat; she sat, indifferent to the hoverings of Dominique, tormented by uneasy fear and longings. (8)
  • He was lying with closed eyes, growling at Dominique, who moved about noiselessly, putting the room ready for the night. (8)
  • Dominique came round to them, bearing appearance of one who has seen better days, and a pot of coffee brewed on a spirit lamp. (8)

Also see sentences for: dominant, dominated, dominating, domination, dominion.

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