Sentence for drinking | Use drinking in a sentence

Sentences for drinking. The sentences below are ordered by length from shorter and easier to longer and more complex. They use drinking in a sentence, providing visitors a sentence for drinking.

  • Larry had been drinking! (8)
  • Had he been drinking? (8)
  • Gyp could not bear his drinking. (8)
  • Luigi at the time was drinking. (10)
  • Why you are not drinking your wine. (6)
  • When he looks again she is drinking. (8)
  • Some people were drinking at the well. (10)
  • You are drinking wine with blood in it. (10)
  • He got drinking, and wanted to fight us. (10)
  • While Beppo was drinking, he seized the fan. (10)
  • Had he been drinking when he wrote that letter? (8)
  • She doats on seeing blood-shed and drinking champagne. (10)
  • After lunch they sat under the oak tree drinking Turkish coffee. (8)
  • The last years of his life Will Phillips had taken to drinking. (13)
  • When he had gone, Noel looked at her visitor drinking his coffee. (8)
  • She drinking his warm sweat will soothe his need, Not his desire. (10)
  • He signed the document, and was soon feeding and drinking his wine. (22)
  • Attendance upon this dying woman was a drinking at the springs of life. (10)
  • Listening, they heard presently a gurgling noise as of one deeply drinking. (10)
  • She walked; she read poetry; she begged him to pardon her for not drinking wine. (10)
  • She walked; she read poetry; she begged him to pardon her for not drinking wine. (22)
  • The earl her husband fell altogether to drinking and coaching, and other things. (10)
  • The plump little woman followed close at his heels, drinking in all that he said. (13)
  • The husband, a thick-set, healthy man in evening dress, was drinking off neat whisky. (8)
  • Or sit there laughing and talking, eating and drinking, as if nothing were behind her? (8)
  • Ben Harris, the man who hailed the architect, had apparently been drinking a good deal. (13)
  • Her face, no longer swollen and puffed from drinking, was slimmer and showed purer tints. (12)
  • I suppose none of us recognise the great part that is played in life by eating and drinking. (2)
  • The only aristocratic trait they could find in his character was a habit of drinking Madeira. (8)
  • He leaned a little forward, drinking her in with all his eyes, and young Love has a thousand. (10)
  • Also one could see the building lots at the edge of which this drinking shanty had been erected. (12)
  • It is incompatible that you should dine with Lady Gosstre, and then run away to a drinking booth. (10)
  • No, she is athirst and drinking up her wonder: Earth to her is young as the slip of the new moon. (10)
  • Those Croats have been drinking and what not on the way, or they would have been here before this. (10)
  • At one side of the fire-place sat Malone, his face florid with drinking, and his eyeballs projecting. (6)
  • Reflection appeared to tell him that his safety lay in drinking, and he drained the glass at a gulp. (10)
  • Yet, assuredly, in spite of breakages and waste, a wine worth the drinking is all the time being made. (8)
  • He gave up excessive drinking; became a constant smoker, and lent full rein to his natural domesticity. (8)
  • When he returned to his companion, he found the fellow drinking from the flask of an Austrian soldier. (10)
  • He repented of his worldliness, and drinking persuasive claret, said he would go to hear it next Sunday. (10)
  • In this complicated state of mind he was conducted to where Soames was drinking tea in a small bay-window. (8)
  • The fact was manifest to the whole assembly, that they had indeed been drinking champagne to some purpose. (10)
  • At seven he was rid of them, but parched and heated, as he deserved to be, he owned, for drinking the poison. (10)
  • In the evening I was introduced to a company of gentlemen, who were drinking wine after dinner with my father. (10)
  • She contracted the habit of eating meat at school, and drinking wine in Paris, and continues it, occasionally. (10)
  • Soames could not see that for which Bosinney was waiting as he stood there drinking in the flower-scented wind. (8)
  • He left the door, and, after drinking a glass to steady him, flung himself down on the sofa in the drawing-room. (8)
  • They all laughed, and gave themselves the air of drinking champagne out of tumblers every day, as men like to do. (9)
  • Mr. Stone paused in the act of drinking water; his attention had evidently been riveted; he did not, however, speak. (8)
  • Howsoever, Robert gave them hearty greeting, and down to the cabin they went, and there sat drinking up to midnight. (10)
  • The supper was to be later, but that was like other eating and drinking on the Sabbath; and it was to be a cold supper. (9)
  • She noticed that Jackson, who was seated between Mrs. Stewart and Mrs. Phillips, was drinking a good deal of champagne. (13)
  • I thought I heard a carriage last night, while we were drinking our tea, but it never entered my head that it could be them. (4)
  • How I should have talked the Universe up and down, and the war, and Causes, drinking tea, and never boring you to try and love me. (8)
  • He went out into the hot Strand, bought himself a necessary book, and after drinking more coffee, came back and again began to work. (8)
  • For he was well enough aware that the old days when Browny imagined him a hero, in drinking his praises of a brighter, were drowned. (10)
  • Not only had Algernon never failed to dine every day of his life: he had no recollection of having ever dined without drinking wine. (10)
  • Not only had Algernon never failed to dine every day of his life: he had no recollection of having ever dined without drinking wine. (22)
  • But Boleskey, after drinking up his wine, had sunk again into his seat; and there suddenly, to the surprise of all, he began to snore. (8)
  • Softly sweet with fluttering presage, Felt she that ethereal sense, Drinking charms of love delirious, Reaping bliss of love intense! (10)
  • He then related the tale of the magnanimous Alexander drinking off the potion, in scorn of the slanderer, to show faith in his friend. (10)
  • The water of the canal stood at about the drinking temperature of tea; and under this cold aspersion the surface was covered with steam. (2)
  • The whiskey that he had been drinking had not obscured his vision in the least, although it shed a rosier glow over the desired capital. (13)
  • Drinking he conscientiously performed as an accompanying duty, and was flushed after dinner, burning for tobacco and a couch for his length. (10)
  • They met for the sake of eating, drinking, and laughing together, playing at cards, or consequences, or any other game that was sufficiently noisy. (4)
  • The ladies came forth bearing wine and minestra, meat and bread, on trays; and quiet eating and drinking, and fortifying of the barricades, went on. (10)
  • My sporting around generally, and drinking too much wine at that dinner last fall, and supplying these veranda tabbies with so much food for thought? (13)
  • When they re-entered the hall gallery the sight of two middle-aged Forsytes drinking tea together had its magical effect, and they became quite silent. (8)

Also see sentences for: drunkenness.

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