Sentence for elemental | Use elemental in a sentence

Elemental used in sentences. The sentences below are ordered by length from shorter and easier to longer and more complex. They use elemental in a sentence, providing visitors a sentence for elemental.

  • There was something elemental in that still sleep. (8)
  • And as he stood there in the silent room watching the two, the calm of elemental feeling stole over him. (13)
  • The Egoist is our fountain-head, primeval man: the primitive is born again, the elemental reconstituted. (10)
  • The elemental part of marriage was not the trouble; if she did not herself feel passion, she did not resent his. (8)
  • His body plunged in cool, black sea-water, he had drawn through the pores of his flesh the elemental currents of life. (13)
  • His daily acts are ordered, not by any complex process of reasoning, but by a continuous process of very elemental feeling. (16)
  • She would be off with us on one of her whirling cyclones or elemental mad waltzes, if a step were taken to the lecturing-desk. (10)
  • This is a tale of love, jealousy, and revenge told in music admirably adapted to the vivid, crude representation of elemental passions. (3)
  • They are all elemental; compared with some finer modern work which deepens inward immeasurably, they are all of their superficial limits. (9)
  • Slowly the mobile blur moved away from the town, and presently the gray half of it dissolved into its elemental units, all in slow recession. (7)

Also see sentences for: element, elements.

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