Sentence for exodus | Use exodus in a sentence

Sentences using the word exodus. The sentences below are ordered by length from shorter and easier to longer and more complex. They use exodus in a sentence, providing visitors a sentence for exodus.

  • Then occurs an exodus from the cars. (21)
  • A partial exodus begins when the word goes forth that the first section is ready to move. (21)
  • There are few tales which history has to tell so stirring and noble as the exodus of the Loyalists. (19)
  • The first great exodus was on the first of the month, when the hotels were deserted by four-fifths of their guests. (9)

Also see sentences for: going.

Definition of exodus:

  • exodus, eks’o-dus, n. a going out or departure, esp. that of the israelites from egypt (1491 b.c., usher): the second book of the old testament. | adj. exod’ic. | n. ex’odist, one who goes out: an emigrant. (0)

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