Sentence for frenetic | Use frenetic in a sentence

A sentence using the word frenetic. The sentences below are ordered by length from shorter and easier to longer and more complex. They use frenetic in a sentence, providing visitors a sentence for frenetic.

  • The young Catholic gentleman expected he might hear a frenetic zealot roar out: Be off! (10)
  • Prominent as he stood before the world, he could not think without a shudder of behaving like a young frenetic of the passion. (10)
  • There was something frenetic in the movement of those rather short, blunt-ended fingers, as though they were strangling the thing they were creating. (8)

Also see sentences for: venetia.

Definition of frenetic:

  • frenetic, -al, fre-net’ik, -al, adj. frenzied: mad: distracted. | also phrenet’ic, -al. (0)

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