Sentence for freshened | Use freshened in a sentence

Sentence with word freshened. The sentences below are ordered by length from shorter and easier to longer and more complex. They use freshened in a sentence, providing visitors a sentence for freshened.

  • The second morning there was rain, and the air freshened, but the leaden sea lay level as before. (9)
  • At the same time, the wind freshened into half a gale, and another heavy discharge of rain came flying up out of the north. (2)
  • It stirred his blood, freshened his cheeks, gave a bright tone of zest to his eyes, as he cast them on the young green country. (10)
  • They were like pleased flocks whom the shepherd hath led to a pasture freshened with brooks, there to feed indolently; he, the shepherd, in the midst. (10)

Also see sentences for: fresh-air, fresher, freshfield, freshly, freshness.

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