Sentence for heterodox | Use heterodox in a sentence

A sentence using the word heterodox. The sentences below are ordered by length from shorter and easier to longer and more complex. They use heterodox in a sentence, providing visitors a sentence for heterodox.

  • Doubly heterodox will not do! (10)
  • I need not say which was heterodox, or that each had a deep and strenuous conscience in the matter. (9)
  • To bewilder him yet more the Countess persisted in fixing her eyes upon his heterodox apparel, and Mr. George became conscious and uneasy. (10)

Also see sentences for: hester, hetty.

Definition of heterodox:

  • heterodox, het’er-o-doks, adj. holding an opinion other or different from the one generally received, esp. in theology: heretical. | n. het’erodoxy, heresy. (0)

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