Sentence for huron | Use huron in a sentence

Sentence using the word huron. The sentences below are ordered by length from shorter and easier to longer and more complex. They use huron in a sentence, providing visitors a sentence for huron.

  • Marie, which joins the Lakes Huron and Michigan. (19)
  • Then it was that the foolish Huron chiefs became disheartened. (19)
  • Amongst the Huron Indians they soon found their greatest success. (19)
  • The heart of this great man, the founder of the ill-fated Huron mission, was seized by an Iroquois chief and devoured. (19)
  • Alas, the fate of Jogues was destined to be that of the other priests who had established missions in the Huron country. (19)
  • One of them, Joseph Le Caron, went forward to the distant Huron country, which had not yet been visited by any European. (19)
  • Here they toiled, together with a number of Huron converts, in building a stronghold which would defy the dreaded Iroquois. (19)
  • St. Joseph was one of the chief towns of the Huron nation; it had 2000 inhabitants, and was surrounded by a strong palisade. (19)
  • These measures might have succeeded, but the wind unluckily was in the wrong direction and blew the flames of the Huron torches away from the fort. (19)
  • Taking advantage of their absence, the Iroquois had attacked the Huron town of Teanaustaye, or St. Joseph, where the Jesuit, Father Daniel, was in charge. (19)
  • Champlain strove unceasingly to induce his Huron allies to show mercy to the captives, but the Indian warrior always deemed mercy a pitiful sign of weakness. (19)
  • Only was it when Champlain threatened to withdraw his French soldiers altogether that the Huron chiefs consented to confine their barbarities to the men alone. (19)

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