Sentence for impunity | Use impunity in a sentence

Impunity example sentences. The sentences below are ordered by length from shorter and easier to longer and more complex. They use impunity in a sentence, providing visitors a sentence for impunity.

  • We do not with impunity abandon the initiative. (10)
  • But would you allow yourself to be blown up with impunity? (8)
  • Now she did not say a word, though she might have done it with impunity. (10)
  • Yes; but why do we keep contracts when we can break them with advantage and impunity? (8)
  • Foreigners of all kinds thronged upon him at their pleasure, apparently, and with perfect impunity. (9)
  • He had not gone there fishing for Gyp to be called on, but to show these people that his daughter could not be slighted with impunity. (8)
  • Nor Jove, nor Apollo, cast eye upon the maids of earth with cooler fire of selection, or pursued them in the covert with more sacred impunity. (10)

Also see sentences for: impulsively, impurities.

Definition of impunity:

  • impunity, im-pn’i-ti, n. freedom or safety from punishment: exemption from injury or loss. (0)

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