Sentence for inequality | Use inequality in a sentence

Use inequality in a sentence. The sentences below are ordered by length from shorter and easier to longer and more complex. They use inequality in a sentence, providing visitors a sentence for inequality.

  • Love, that stamps out prejudice and bids inequality be smooth. (10)
  • Social inequality is nowhere more ostentatious than at Edinburgh. (2)
  • Laetitia supposed she was listening to discursive observations upon the inequality in the relations of the sexes. (10)
  • That is a law analogous to the law of entailed estates, which maintains inequality in like manner between individuals. (18)

Also see sentences for: actuality, equality, individuality, punctuality, quality, sensuality, spirituality.

Definition of inequality:

  • inequality, in-e-kwol’i-ti, n. want of equality: difference: inadequacy: incompetency: unevenness: dissimilarity.(0)

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