Sentence for instil | Use instil in a sentence

Instil example sentence. The sentences below are ordered by length from shorter and easier to longer and more complex. They use instil in a sentence, providing visitors a sentence for instil.

  • Thy dream will steer thee to perform their will, As silently their influence they instil. (10)
  • Adrian sat down to instil belief by gentle degrees, and put an artistic finish to the work. (10)
  • Hither, hither, if you will, Drink instruction, or instil, Run the woods like vernal sap, Crying, hail to luminousness! (10)
  • Her father had willingly swallowed a drug, but his suspicions only slumbered, and she could not instil her own vivid hopefulness and trust into him. (10)
  • Her father had willingly swallowed a drug, but his suspicions only slumbered, and she could not instil her own vivid hopefulness and trust into him. (22)

Also see sentences for: instigation, instinct, instincts, institute, institution.

Definition of instil:

  • instil, in-stil’, v.t. to drop into: to infuse slowly into the mind: | pr.p. instil’ling; pa.p. instilled’. | ns. instill’tion, instil’ment, the act of instilling or pouring in by drops: the act of infusing slowly into the mind: that which is instilled or infused. (0)

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