Sentence for least | Use least in a sentence

Sentence using the word least. The sentences below are ordered by length from shorter and easier to longer and more complex. They use least in a sentence, providing visitors a sentence for least.

  • At least not just yet. (13)
  • Henry Tilney at least was not. (4)
  • At least I can see for myself. (10)
  • And at least it implies wealth. (10)
  • At least, I am immensely older. (10)
  • Or, at least, the first one has. (9)
  • At least, I thought so just now. (10)
  • You swear the violet costs least. (10)
  • He at least was bound to supply them. (10)
  • And at least it is a pleasant incident. (2)
  • Jon had the least resentful of natures. (8)
  • You will not be alone: at least, so I think. (10)
  • This, the cruellest, was the least of the evils. (10)
  • Least of all should Nevil Beauchamp have done it. (10)
  • She, at least, was reverential to the memory of him. (10)
  • At least, her thinking of them led to him, he to them. (10)
  • All the rest, in speculation at least, was perfectly smooth. (4)
  • But it was all over with Port Royal, at least for the present. (19)
  • He felt the need of trees and fields, at least of their odour. (12)
  • He is the least respectful of the sentiments entertained by me. (10)
  • The papers varied, but their editorials did not, in purport at least. (9)
  • He at least had never injured her, and this was a world of compromise! (8)
  • He has given in all his debts; I hope at least he has not deceived us. (4)
  • The best of it is that there is always one at least who is never bored. (14)
  • He delighted in going to Pemberley, especially when he was least expected. (4)
  • She is a serious person, intellectually at least, and it is a serious story. (9)
  • He at least did not think so, and Colonel Halkett relied on his common sense. (10)
  • That is a sign of the absence, or at least of the dormancy, of the Comic idea. (10)
  • He never missed paying his respects to her at least three or four times a week. (18)
  • At least two good coats should be applied, and three coats give superior results. (17)
  • The multiplied apparatus of information has done at least that for the profession. (16)
  • Besides, there was an embarrassment, at least on her part, concerning the Dryfooses. (9)
  • I have not the least idea of his being a weak young man: I feel sure that he is not. (4)
  • Before the second coat is applied the first should have dried for at least two weeks. (17)
  • Perhaps the heaviest matter troubling it is that in which I was least wilfully guilty. (10)
  • With such encouragement, Catherine hoped at least to pass uncensured through the crowd. (4)
  • He had not the least notion that his wife still meant the words she had spoken overnight. (8)
  • I have really for some time past, for at least these three months, cared nothing about him. (4)
  • He thought best to conclude the war, and, at least, save the Canadas to the mother country. (18)
  • And at least the facts struck the public fancy and brought forth a remarkable family of myths. (2)
  • As a rule, all exterior doors should be at least 1¾ inches thick, and of white pine, painted. (17)
  • The grief for which he could ask no compassion had at least purified him to meet her embrace. (10)
  • Dacier was the thankfuller, the most admiring of the two; at the same time the least satisfied. (10)
  • It would probably be the middle of November at least; the middle of November was three months off. (4)
  • But Mrs. Dashwood could find explanations whenever she wanted them, which at least satisfied herself. (4)
  • It is in the little wheels, in those least obvious to inspection, that the derangement is likely to begin. (14)
  • They wanted a lesson, and they would get it; but it would take three months at least to bring them to heel. (8)
  • When Denny, and Wickham, and Pratt, and two or three more of the men came in, they did not know him in the least. (4)
  • It is a relation which you tell me is to give you great surprise; I hope at least it will not afford you any displeasure. (4)
  • So the guests were tolerably happy, or at least, with scarce an exception, open to the influences of champagne and music. (10)
  • He would be reduced to sneaking up to London, which tired him; and the least indisposition would cut him off even from that. (8)
  • His face had the least twist to one side, as though conforming to a kink in his philosophy; his eyes looked sad and restless. (8)
  • He had never been a persona grata to the judge, and if he did not become so now, he at least ceased to be actively displeasing. (9)
  • He received no explanation, and the irksome silence caused him to look through the window, as an escape for his mind, at least. (10)
  • With all the emphasis of a genius which she did not as yet deny them, they had demanded another six weeks at least of her Gallery. (8)
  • You must not expect news for we see no one with whom we are in the least acquainted, or in whose proceedings we have any Interest. (4)
  • So, he had washed his hands of it, making the condition that they should not marry until Bosinney had at least four hundred a year. (8)
  • In fact, style is the mantle of greatness; and say that the greatness is beyond our reach, we may at least pray to have the mantle. (10)
  • His attitude was strictly scientific; he denied nothing, but he expected the supernatural to be at least as convincing as the natural. (9)
  • Easy enough to break chains imposed by others, fling his cap over the windmill, and cry for the moment at least: I am unfettered, free! (8)
  • He anticipated that Nevil would at least come down to the funeral, but there was no appearance of him, nor a word to excuse his absence. (10)
  • But whatever he might have been going to say was at least postponed by the approach of a serving-maid, who brought a note to his daughter. (9)
  • He felt that Hart should have asked his consent before undertaking this outside work: at least it would have been more delicate to do so. (13)
  • It is quite possible that there will be further consolidations in New York and Boston before long; at least conditions are ripe for them. (16)
  • To be found there, even by a servant, would be unpleasant; but by the general (and he seemed always at hand when least wanted), much worse! (4)
  • V. So at least the travellers thought who were here revisiting the earliest scenes of childhood, and who perhaps found them unduly endeared. (9)
  • He emptied bumper after bumper and clinked glasses at least a dozen times with Frau Vorkel, who was immensely tickled with the unwonted honour. (5)
  • Had the standard of the public taste been set in philosophy, and the national enthusiasm centred in philosophers, he would at least have worked at books. (10)

Also see sentences for: minimum, smallest.

Definition of least:

  • least, lst, adj. (serves as superl. of little) little beyond all others: smallest. | adv. in the smallest or lowest degree. | advs. least’ways, least’wise, at least: however. | at least, or at the least, at the lowest estimate: at any rate. (0) | least, lst, conj. (_spens._). same as lest.(0)

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