Sentence for maniacal | Use maniacal in a sentence

Sentences using the word maniacal. The sentences below are ordered by length from shorter and easier to longer and more complex. They use maniacal in a sentence, providing visitors a sentence for maniacal.

  • The maniacal hate flared up in her again; she flew on. (8)
  • It seemed half maniacal, it was so ridged with bright eagerness. (10)
  • It seemed half maniacal, it was so ridged with bright eagerness. (22)
  • Maniacal for argument, Fleetwood rejected the forgiveness of sins, if sins they be. (10)
  • Fire crackled in her gymnasium; hatchets crashed against costly things; smoke filled the corridors; maniacal cries tore the air. (12)

Also see sentences for: crazy, delirious, demented, insane, irrational, mad, raving.

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