Sentence for misfortunes | Use misfortunes in a sentence

Use misfortunes in a sentence. The sentences below are ordered by length from shorter and easier to longer and more complex. They use misfortunes in a sentence, providing visitors a sentence for misfortunes.

  • Misfortunes, we know, are the most united family on earth. (10)
  • He knew that they regarded him as profiting by their misfortunes. (19)
  • It would be endless to recount the misfortunes of this noble and gallant Earl. (4)
  • They draw together, as people do, discussing the misfortunes of members of their families. (8)
  • The danger, however, was at present so unperceived, that they did not by any means rank as misfortunes with her. (4)
  • One would imagine you had never heard my father speak of her personal misfortunes, though I know you must fifty times. (4)
  • This King married Margaret of Anjou, a Woman whose distresses and misfortunes were so great as almost to make me who hate her, pity her. (4)
  • Especially I protested that I could not hold myself guilty of misfortunes I had not intended, even though my faulty conduct had caused them. (9)
  • His face expressed a profound commiseration, almost ludicrously mixed with the ashamed contentment that men experience at the misfortunes of an enemy. (8)
  • Weighed down by these misfortunes, Beethoven became irritable and morbid, distrusting his most faithful friends, and constantly imagining plots against himself. (3)
  • Gazing upon this emaciated band of fur-hunters and bushrangers, Louis the Fourteenth would have been craven indeed if he had not attempted to retrieve their misfortunes. (19)

Also see sentences for: misfortune.

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