Sentence for mutineers | Use mutineers in a sentence

Sentence using the word mutineers. The sentences below are ordered by length from shorter and easier to longer and more complex. They use mutineers in a sentence, providing visitors a sentence for mutineers.

  • It was said that the mutineers had turned pirates, that they captured merchantmen and bombarded cities. (12)
  • It was not known whether Ivan Becker had followed the summons of the mutineers; all trace of him had been lost. (12)
  • It proceeded not from the mutineers or their reign of crime, but from her own mind and from the profound logic of things. (12)
  • As for the craven mutineers, when they stole back guiltily to England, they were seized and made to pay the penalty of their crime. (19)

Also see sentences for: mutinous, mutiny.

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