Sentence for outwitted | Use outwitted in a sentence

Use outwitted in a sentence. The sentences below are ordered by length from shorter and easier to longer and more complex. They use outwitted in a sentence, providing visitors a sentence for outwitted.

  • You have outwitted us to-night. (10)
  • She had outwitted us, and there was nothing to be done. (8)
  • Now the man had outwitted him and put his money beyond his reach. (13)
  • There had been railing and jeering at the Countess de Saldar, the clever outwitted exposed adventuress, at Elburne House and Beckley Court. (10)
  • It is a point in the education of parents that they should learn to apprehend humbly the compliment of being outwitted by their own offspring. (10)

Also see sentences for: quick-witted.

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