Sentence for peroration | Use peroration in a sentence

Peroration example sentence. The sentences below are ordered by length from shorter and easier to longer and more complex. They use peroration in a sentence, providing visitors a sentence for peroration.

  • It is his notion of freedom, and at once the exordium and peroration of his eloquence. (10)
  • So much of my experience is predicated upon it that I do not dare save it for a peroration. (16)
  • His voice gradually grows louder, till he is declaiming to the empty room the peroration of his speech. (8)

Also see sentences for: aberration, administration, admiration, adoration, alteration, aspiration, asseveration.

Definition of peroration:

  • peroration, per | r’shun, n. the conclusion of a speech, usually summing up the points and enforcing the argument. | v.i. per’orate, to make a peroration: (_coll._) to make a speech. (0)

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