Sentence for potted | Use potted in a sentence

A sentence using the word potted. The sentences below are ordered by length from shorter and easier to longer and more complex. They use potted in a sentence, providing visitors a sentence for potted.

  • She would be a kind of potted rose-tree under his arm, of which he must eventually tire. (10)
  • But no bridegroom stood to greet her on the terrace-steps between the potted orange and citron-trees. (10)
  • In another centre, four firms were fined for selling potted cheese which had been treated with preservatives. (16)
  • She found some potted meat, spread it on another biscuit, ate it greedily, and finished the pint bottle of champagne. (8)
  • They stood staring at each other in the steamy heat, redolent of the mushy scent of earth, of potted geranium, and of vines coming along fast. (8)

Also see sentences for: spotted.

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