Sentence for poul | Use poul in a sentence

Sentences with poul. The sentences below are ordered by length from shorter and easier to longer and more complex. They use poul in a sentence, providing visitors a sentence for poul.

  • Taken at length by a famous soldier of fortune, Captain Poul, he appeared unmoved before his judges. (2)
  • Not far off upon my right was the famous Plan de Font Morte, where Poul with his Armenian sabre slashed down the Camisards of Séguier. (2)
  • The peasantry were abroad; scarce less terrible to me in my nondescript position than the soldiers of Captain Poul to an undaunted Camisard. (2)
  • This, methought, might be some Rip van Winkle of the war, who had lost his comrades, fleeing before Poul, and wandered ever since upon the mountains. (2)

Also see sentences for: pouch, poulder.

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