Sentence for reprehensible | Use reprehensible in a sentence

A sentence using the word reprehensible. The sentences below are ordered by length from shorter and easier to longer and more complex. They use reprehensible in a sentence, providing visitors a sentence for reprehensible.

  • Could anything be more reprehensible in a married man? (8)
  • Nor is there anything either mysterious or reprehensible about this. (16)
  • Nor is it in any degree a reprehensible sign that they should fly as from hue and cry the title of tradesman. (10)
  • How much more reprehensible, then, was one that could bring himself to defy a fellow-creature to mortal combat! (10)
  • There is no doubt, however, that the defendant used reprehensible language, and offered some resistance to the constable in the execution of his duty. (8)

Also see sentences for: culpable.

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