Sentence for somersault | Use somersault in a sentence

Sentences using the word somersault. The sentences below are ordered by length from shorter and easier to longer and more complex. They use somersault in a sentence, providing visitors a sentence for somersault.

  • Then begins the drill for the real somersault. (21)
  • The double somersault requires more muscular force. (21)
  • A somersault rider dashes in after a sandwich for his wife, with whom he does a carrying act. (21)
  • He succeeds in doing a back somersault from the haunch of one moving horse to that of another. (21)
  • Linda Jeal was famous for several years and taught her niece, Dallie Julian, seventeen years old, the somersault. (21)
  • The triple somersault is done from a flying trapeze, but it is simply a series of revolutions in the air as the performer drops. (21)
  • He has to understand some geometry and mathematics, else how can he calculate the exact distance of a jump, a fall, a somersault? (21)
  • John Amor, a Pennsylvania circus leaper, who was a famous double somersault revolver, paid with his life for his ambition in 1859. (21)
  • The somersault, whether it be single or double, is a feat which requires the most assiduous practice and the most accurate calculation. (21)
  • It is circus tradition that in 1842, when even the double somersault was deemed a difficult and dangerous feat, a performer tried the triple turn. (21)

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Definition of somersault:

  • somersault, sum’r-sawlt, n. a leap in which a person turns with his heels over his head. | also som’erset. (0)

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