Sentence for stalwart | Use stalwart in a sentence

A sentence using the word stalwart. The sentences below are ordered by length from shorter and easier to longer and more complex. They use stalwart in a sentence, providing visitors a sentence for stalwart.

  • Two or three stalwart grenadiers bore their beloved general quickly to the rear. (19)
  • You cannot imagine what a picture it makes, her childish delicacy contrasted with his stalwart strength. (9)
  • Amongst those who fell was the stalwart hero, Tecumseh, whose loss was mourned not more by the Indians than by the white men of Canada. (19)
  • Within a minute the stalwart Berry, despatched by the baronet to arrange everything for their comfort, had opened the door, and made his bow. (10)
  • Invincible in spirit, we see emerging through the mist of a century and a half, the courtly, stalwart, chivalrous figure of the Chevalier de Lévis. (19)

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Definition of stalwart:

  • stalwart, stawl’wart, adj. stout, strong, sturdy: determined in one’s partisanship. | n. a resolute person. | (_arch._) stal’worth. | adv. stal’wartly. | n. stal’wartness | (_arch._) stal’worthiness. (0)

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