Sentence for stubble | Use stubble in a sentence

A sentence using the word stubble. The sentences below are ordered by length from shorter and easier to longer and more complex. They use stubble in a sentence, providing visitors a sentence for stubble.

  • Corte drew his under-lip on his reddish stubble moustache. (10)
  • They scrambled up the low cliff and went along the grassy top to a gate into a stubble field. (8)
  • And for a second there did seem to Nedda a dim, gray shape moving square and dogged, parallel with them at the stubble edges. (8)
  • Arriving at the mill, she made no pretense of stopping, but turned into a trail leading through a field of stubble toward a creek. (1)
  • One sniffed the dews, and could fancy fresh smells of stubble earth and dank woodland grass in the very streets of dirty Bevisham. (10)

Also see sentences for: stubborn, stubbornly, stubbornness.

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