Sentence for ticonderoga | Use ticonderoga in a sentence

Ticonderoga sentence. The sentences below are ordered by length from shorter and easier to longer and more complex. They use ticonderoga in a sentence, providing visitors a sentence for ticonderoga.

  • In the west many other forts were built, including Fort Ticonderoga, at the head of Lake George. (19)
  • General Abercrombie had tried to take Fort Ticonderoga with 15,000 men, but Abercrombie was no such soldier as James Wolfe. (19)
  • Had not a stray bullet struck him down on his way to the battlefield, the story of Ticonderoga might have had a different ending. (19)
  • Abercrombie foolishly thought that by his superior numbers he could force Ticonderoga without cannon, but Montcalm knew his strength. (19)

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