Sentence for tribesmen | Use tribesmen in a sentence

How do you use tribesmen in a sentence. The sentences below are ordered by length from shorter and easier to longer and more complex. They use tribesmen in a sentence, providing visitors a sentence for tribesmen.

  • Those tribesmen are defending their homes. (8)
  • In ancient America the dog was a sacred animal, worshiped by all sorts and conditions of tribesmen. (7)
  • The chiefs formed a group distinct from the other tribesmen within the circle facing James Greydon. (18)
  • On the day set apart for the feast, the tribesmen approached the mansion through the avenue of hemlocks. (18)
  • Usually the exchange of courtesies could best be accomplished by preparing a feast for the assembled tribesmen. (18)

Also see sentences for: tribes.

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