Sentence for undress | Use undress in a sentence

Undress sentence examples. The sentences below are ordered by length from shorter and easier to longer and more complex. They use undress in a sentence, providing visitors a sentence for undress.

  • Now undress, and go to bed. (10)
  • She did not stir to undress. (10)
  • They are in undress evening attire.] (8)
  • These did fatigue duty in cloth or undress. (10)
  • She passed into their bedroom and began slowly to undress. (8)
  • Swithin had hustled him away into his bedroom, helped him to undress, and stayed until he was asleep. (8)
  • Helen, who had been moving about the room here and there, preparing to undress, suddenly stood quite still. (13)
  • People go by, so drenched and draggle-tailed that I have often wondered how they found the heart to undress. (2)
  • The duchess caught at her impulsively to kiss her, and said she would undress herself, as she wished to be alone. (10)
  • They were sixteen in number, and as the attack was made at night, they were in a state of almost complete undress. (19)
  • He is a dark-haired, ascetic man, in clerical undress, with a peculiarly steady, tight-lipped face and slow, cultured speech. (8)
  • Slovenliness was his abhorrence, and free as he was with the vernacular, he made a clear distinction between the undress and the dress occasions of speech. (14)

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Definition of undress:

  • undress, un-dres’, v.t. to take off the dress or clothes: to strip: to take the dressing from a wound. | v.i. to take off one’s clothes. | n. (also un’dress) a loose dress: the plain dress worn by soldiers when off duty. | adj. pertaining to ordinary dress, as opposed to uniform, &c. | adj. undressed’, not dressed.(0)

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