Sentence for unforgettable | Use unforgettable in a sentence

Sentences using the word unforgettable. The sentences below are ordered by length from shorter and easier to longer and more complex. They use unforgettable in a sentence, providing visitors a sentence for unforgettable.

  • The total impression has been so unforgettable that details have faded into insignificance. (12)
  • But seeking now to recall the impressions that had seemed unforgettable to him, he faced emptiness. (12)
  • Unforgettable to her were his gestures, his glances, his resilient walk, the dark tones of his voice. (12)
  • We passed an unforgettable night, and unforgettable words were exchanged between us. (12)
  • Equally unforgettable were the expectation of his coming, the delight of his presence, the admiration that met him from the eyes of men. (12)

Also see sentences for: unfortunate, unfortunately.

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