Sentence for water-heater | Use water-heater in a sentence

Sentence using the word water-heater. The sentences below are ordered by length from shorter and easier to longer and more complex. They use water-heater in a sentence, providing visitors a sentence for water-heater.

  • Sometimes a special outlet is installed in pantry for a dish-warmer or water-heater. (17)
  • The tank-heater is a special coal-burning stove, designed to serve as an iron-warmer and a water-heater, being usually placed in the laundry in the cellar. (17)
  • Then, too, the automatic gas water-heater, and also the oil water-heater, give the best material for cleaning that is known to mankind—hot water. (17)

Also see sentences for: water, water-colour, waterfall, waterloo, waterproof.

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