Sentence for welshman | Use welshman in a sentence

A sentence for the word welshman. The sentences below are ordered by length from shorter and easier to longer and more complex. They use welshman in a sentence, providing visitors a sentence for welshman.

  • He spoke, too, in a quick, crisp, rather high voice, pinching his consonants a little, sharpening his vowels, like a true Welshman. (8)
  • He too, whom you call the Welshman, and deride for his delight in songful gatherings, harps to wild Wales, his Cambrian highlands, and not to England. (10)
  • Her exchange of Christian names with the Welshman would not do it; she was too transparently sisterly, provincially simple; she was, in fact, respected. (10)

Also see sentences for: welsh, welshmen.

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