Sentence for wigwams | Use wigwams in a sentence

A sentence for the word wigwams. The sentences below are ordered by length from shorter and easier to longer and more complex. They use wigwams in a sentence, providing visitors a sentence for wigwams.

  • Larobeyre, wounded and unable to flee, was led captive to the Iroquois wigwams and roasted alive at a slow fire. (19)
  • On the {235} fatal morning she came to tell Holmes that her sister was seriously ill in one of the wigwams and desired to see him. (19)
  • Against the English colonies three war-parties were organised whose deeds of blood {132} were long remembered in American homesteads and in Indian wigwams. (19)
  • Smiling fields, trim homesteads, and flourishing gardens replaced the rude and solitary wigwams of the red-men of Ontario, Quebec, and the maritime provinces to the east. (19)

Also see sentences for: wigwam.

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