Sentence for execute | Use execute in a sentence

Execute example sentence. The sentences below are ordered by length from shorter and easier to longer and more complex. They use execute in a sentence, providing visitors a sentence for execute.

  • The plan was entrusted to Frontenac to execute. (19)
  • The widow Engelschall had had plans which had seemed easy to execute outside. (12)
  • The Albatross was one of those small, armed cruisers used by General Clinton to execute raiding commissions up and down the coast. (18)
  • It must not be forgotten that practically all the composers of the early Polyphonic school were singers, able to execute their own works. (3)
  • Her whole soul was merged in the desire to execute, boldly and yet gracefully, the greatest and most perfect performance attainable by a ropedancer. (5)

Also see sentences for: accomplish, achieve, complete, consummate, dispense, do, effect.

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