Sentence for presidency | Use presidency in a sentence

Use the word presidency in a sentence. The sentences below are ordered by length from shorter and easier to longer and more complex. They use presidency in a sentence, providing visitors a sentence for presidency.

  • After which he went to his desk and worked, under the presidency of Constance. (10)
  • By invitation of the President of the Council, the Foreign Legations witnessed the royal procession from the balconies of the Presidency. (14)
  • Nor was it long before the presidency of an ancient hoary Goat-Satan might be perceived, with skew-eyes and pucker-mouth, nursing a hoof on a knee. (10)
  • A public function quite in accord with his academic and literary tastes was the presidency, which he accepted, of the American Archæological Institute. (14)

Also see sentences for: preside, presided, president, presiding.

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