Sentence for abraham | Use abraham in a sentence

Sentences for abraham. The sentences below are ordered by length from shorter and easier to longer and more complex. They use abraham in a sentence, providing visitors a sentence for abraham.

  • Bravo, Abraham! (10)
  • Had not Providence suggested Sir Abraham to her? (10)
  • Sir Abraham Quatley named him with handsome emphasis. (10)
  • Sir Rodwell Blachington, Sir Abraham Quatley: and their wives. (10)
  • What did that odious woman mean by perpetually talking about Sir Abraham? (10)
  • Abraham Amble had been lord of his wife in the water, but his innings was over. (10)
  • The people called it the Plains of Abraham, and Wolfe now chose it for his battlefield. (19)
  • So was Abraham Hayward, who began abusing Houghton (then Monkton Milnes), a great favorite of hers. (14)
  • And the tears I wept for Sir Abraham, Evan, in verity they were tears of deep and sincere gratitude! (10)
  • In the early days of the colony Master Abraham Martin had owned this tract of ground, which he had planted with corn. (19)
  • Sir Abraham Harrington of Torquay, who had helped her to cross the Alps, became a formidable barrier against her return. (10)
  • Abraham was a resident, according to the Bible story, of Ur in the land of the Chaldees, where a considerable civilization had been attained. (3)
  • On the following morning, at daybreak, Benedict Arnold led his troops up the steep path and formed them in ranks on the Plains of Abraham above. (19)
  • The news that Sir Guy Carleton was approaching with reinforcements from up the river quickly decided Benedict Arnold to retire from the Heights of Abraham. (19)

Also see sentences for: above, abram.

Definition of abraham:

  • abraham, abram (heb.), father of a multitude, high father. | dims. abe, aby.(0)

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