Sentence for advocate | Use advocate in a sentence

Sentence with word advocate. The sentences below are ordered by length from shorter and easier to longer and more complex. They use advocate in a sentence, providing visitors a sentence for advocate.

  • So saying, the young advocate ceased. (8)
  • Deep true love, proved by years, is the advocate. (10)
  • And having thus spoken, the little advocate resumed his seat. (8)
  • How could you imagine me an advocate for marriage without love? (4)
  • She could not constitute herself the advocate of Mr. Whitford. (10)
  • Then in the main aisle of the Court there rose a youthful advocate. (8)
  • Many a time has she said so; and yet I am no advocate for entire seclusion. (4)
  • To tell truth, it is the advocate I wish to rebuke, and to praise the adversary. (10)
  • Tresten had not returned, neither he nor the advocate, and he had been absent fully an hour. (10)
  • But she was not engaged in the colloquy to be an advocate of Miss Dale or of common humanity. (10)
  • In the grasp of her character, one inclines, and her husband inclines, to become her advocate. (10)
  • She resisted Heriot: she resisted a more powerful advocate, and this was the princess Ottilia. (10)
  • Not that I am an advocate for the prevailing fashion of acquiring a perfect knowledge of all languages, arts, and sciences. (4)
  • But he assured me he believed his advocate and his adversary to be one and the same, and referred me to the collated sentences. (10)
  • I confess that in the beginning this brilliant, pitiless lawyer, this consciencelessly powerful advocate, at once mocker and poseur, all but failed to interest me. (9)

Also see sentences for: attorney, barrister, champion, counsel, defend, defendant, defender.

Definition of advocate:

  • advocate, ad’vo-kt, n. an intercessor or defender: one who pleads the cause of another, esp. in a court of law in scotland and france. | v.t. to plead in favour of: to recommend. | ns. advoc’tion; ad’vocator. | lord advocate, the first law-officer of the crown and public prosecutor of crimes for scotland. (0)

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