Sentence for alliance | Use alliance in a sentence

Sentence using the word alliance. The sentences below are ordered by length from shorter and easier to longer and more complex. They use alliance in a sentence, providing visitors a sentence for alliance.

  • An eminent alliance! (10)
  • As such, proud of your alliance. (10)
  • An alliance with her was impossible. (10)
  • I look for the alliance with her to . (10)
  • She brought no name, no blood, no alliance. (4)
  • Never human fortune throve On such alliance. (10)
  • But a disreputable alliance of that sort sticks to a man. (10)
  • When terror and absurdity make alliance, the effect is frightful. (1)
  • The alliance with Dudley really seemed to set him facing backward. (10)
  • You teach me the difference of an alliance with a lady of intellect. (10)
  • She irradiated the man; but no baseness could be in such an alliance. (10)
  • I wish the alliance, and think it better to maintain the exclusiveness. (10)
  • It signified an alliance, and that they were yoked to a common difficulty. (10)
  • Placed as we were, I regarded the objections to his alliance with her in a mild light. (10)
  • That was the origin of the alliance between the young statesman and a newspaper editor. (10)
  • It was an alliance which he could not have relinquished without pain; and thus he reasoned. (4)
  • No delusion is older, none apparently so promising, both parties being eager for the alliance. (10)
  • Not an elevated image, but closely resembling that which her alliance with Lord Ormont had been! (10)
  • Or sometimes a footman handed her his letter, courteously phrased to withdraw from the alliance. (10)
  • To men, it was impossible for him to speak the torments of those days of the monstrous alliance. (10)
  • To which father in our acquaintance shall I go and propose an alliance for Tom with his daughter? (9)
  • He railed at her to Algernon, and astonished the youth, who thought them in a fair way to make an alliance. (10)
  • He railed at her to Algernon, and astonished the youth, who thought them in a fair way to make an alliance. (22)
  • I will not have a wedding on our wedding-day; but either before or after it, I gladly speed their alliance. (10)
  • The truth is, the Mohawks were jealous of the Onondagas in obtaining an alliance with the French and Hurons. (19)
  • And all the better; I repeat, it is the better that you should have them over in the infancy of the alliance. (10)
  • He, though not of distinguished birth, had the choice of an almost royal alliance in the first blush of his manhood. (10)
  • An alliance with any of her votaries, appeared to Dudley as an act of treason to his house, his class, and his tenets. (10)
  • In vain she entreated the baronet to break the disgraceful, and, as she said, illegal alliance his son had contracted. (10)
  • He felt it throughout his alliance, throughout all his dealings with his second wife, who was emphatically not a Forsyte. (8)
  • The rich brother-in-law near Bristol was the pride of the alliance, and his place and his carriages were the pride of him. (4)
  • But a niceness that could feel sharply wounded by the simple rumour of his alliance with the young relict of an earl was mystifying. (10)
  • Advantageous as would be the alliance, and long standing and public as was the engagement, her happiness must not be sacrificed to it. (4)
  • They do not refuse the knowledge of other colonies of other stirps and origins, and they even combine in temporary alliance with them. (9)
  • The nobles, he felt sure, might resume their natural alliance with the people, and lead them, as they did of old, to the battle-field. (10)
  • They are frantic with joy at the alliance already established, and promise you that Spain will immediately follow the example of France. (18)
  • They could not have contracted alliance with an auxiliary more invaluable, an authority so profound; and they acknowledged it to themselves. (10)
  • He complains of the exclusiveness of the port of Oporto, and would have strict alliance between Portugal and England, with mutual privileges. (10)
  • He thought it a very degrading alliance; and Lady Russell, though with more tempered and pardonable pride, received it as a most unfortunate one. (4)
  • She often tried to provoke Darcy into disliking her guest, by talking of their supposed marriage, and planning his happiness in such an alliance. (4)
  • Theirs had been a love match, and making due allowance for human nature beset by opportunity, had remained, throughout, a solid and efficient alliance. (8)
  • Thousands of men have perished; immense resources have been exhausted; and yet since that fated alliance the dispute has become more embittered than ever. (18)

Also see sentences for: affinity, combination, conjunction, connection, junction, kindred, kinship.

Definition of alliance:

  • alliance, al-l’ans, n. state of being allied: union by marriage or treaty. (0)

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