Sentence for arms | Use arms in a sentence

Arms example sentence. The sentences below are ordered by length from shorter and easier to longer and more complex. They use arms in a sentence, providing visitors a sentence for arms.

  • My arms slid on him. (10)
  • Robert dropped his arms. (22)
  • Uncle, uncross your arms. (10)
  • Fleur slipped out of his arms. (8)
  • And thus she died in his arms. (12)
  • Irene threw her arms round her. (9)
  • The baroness crossed her arms. (10)
  • Chillon folded his arms round her. (10)
  • Gone to the arms of a Spanish Jade! (8)
  • Mrs. Berry meekly folded her arms. (10)
  • The blissful bundle shook in her arms. (10)
  • Their arms were enlaced; they were silent. (8)
  • She raised herself and threw her arms round him. (8)
  • A figure came bursting out, almost into his arms. (8)
  • On its front was a shield with the arms of France. (19)
  • Snatching their arms, the Hurons ran to meet the foe. (19)
  • But she only sat with arms folded, looking at the keys. (8)
  • She put her arms round a cold banister and hugged it hard. (8)
  • Suddenly she threw her arms round his neck and kissed him. (8)
  • The Elburne arms are, Or, three falcons on a field, vert. (10)
  • She reeled drunkenly, waved her arms, and laughed shrilly. (12)
  • A man was as old as his legs and arms, and not a day younger. (8)
  • Those fellows have got modern arms, and are jolly good fighters. (8)
  • Her arms go out to him, cling round his neck and, their lips meet. (8)
  • He was a long way from singing now; nor was there love in his arms. (8)
  • They used their knees only, their arms hanging idle at their sides. (1)
  • She threw her arms wide out, and pressed his temples and kissed him. (10)
  • Wilfrid caught her in his arms, quite conquered by her, proud of her. (10)
  • He placed, his hands on the arms of the chair and slowly raised himself. (8)
  • He gave a loud, ironical laugh and swashed the water over his bare arms. (13)
  • Amadeus Voss sat at the table with folded arms, and stared into the lamp. (12)
  • Her arms, her hands, her breasts were covered with sores filled with pus. (12)
  • Sir Willoughby mildly shrugged, and indicated a spreading out of the arms. (10)
  • For hours yet she would be there, going round and round in the arms of Youth! (8)
  • Then he went back to the sitting-room, and paced up and down with folded arms. (12)
  • A few minutes afterwards Miss Naylor found her with her head buried on her arms. (8)
  • He relaxed the grip of his arms; she sank down and stayed unmoving on the grass. (8)
  • But only for a moment, for at the clinging of those arms his instinct took fright. (8)
  • She understood him, and with an infinitely sinuous movement glided from his arms. (12)
  • The business of our modern world is to open heart and stretch out arms to numbers. (10)
  • Ashurst put his finger to the mouth of the little brown bullfrog of a creature in her arms. (8)
  • She raised her hands so that the dark silk fell, back from the whole length of those white arms. (8)
  • Young Jolyon, who had taken Holly up in his arms, stood motionless at the corner, looking after the cab. (8)
  • She clung just for that moment, then came loose into his arms, and he hauled her to him against the trunk. (8)
  • Willoughby caught Crossjay under the arms to give him a lift in the old fashion pleasing to Clara to see. (10)
  • I heard but one groan that came from her as she lay huddled indistinguishably in the, arms of her husband. (10)
  • Luigi groaned, and touched up along the sleeves of his arms: that which he fancied he instantaneously felt. (10)
  • While I had her in my arms, she gave orders that the woman should be driven out of the city in her carriage. (10)
  • About twenty paces behind, Abrane, Fleetwood, and one whom they called Chummy Potts, were wildly waving arms. (10)
  • He has teeth just like a lion, arms four inches longer than our arms and walks on all fours. (21)
  • But as he spoke she reached out her arms to him, beseeching him, drawing him to her, in commiseration for him. (13)
  • The muscles less of steel than paste, Why, they of nature feel distaste For flash, much more for push, of arms. (10)
  • Lapham leaned towards him, and frowned as if he had not quite understood, while he clutched the arms of his chair. (9)
  • Nothing could the poor little heart reply but strain to his bosom and sleeplessly pray in his arms all the night. (10)
  • A small body of trained soldiers had sprung to the call to arms; here and there an officer could wheel a regiment. (10)
  • And, instead of going in, he took up a position on his lawn whence he could attract her attention by waving his arms. (8)
  • Around the inclined track he rushes, with hands spread out and arms upraised, the contrivance shivering and rattling. (21)
  • The thought that she might go to the arms of another man made him put down his violin with a feeling of actual sickness. (8)
  • He assumed that he had to do with a bourgeois Briton unused to arms, such as we are generally held to be on the Continent. (10)
  • With that he doubled his arms and set forth at a steady run, leaving his companions to speculate on his powers of endurance. (10)
  • Startled by his tale, she would have taken his wet body in her arms; if the ghosts of innumerable moments had not stood between. (8)
  • Her warrior, chief among the valorous great In arms he was, dispelling shades of blame, With radiance palpable in fruit and weight. (10)
  • She sang with a stately fervour, letting the notes flow from her breast, while both her arms hung loose, and not a gesture escaped her. (10)
  • And before the worthy woman knew what he was about the gray-haired invalid had caught her in his arms and kissed her heartily on both cheeks. (5)
  • Having arrived, he ran hastily up to the room, expecting to find the three; but Lady Charlotte was alone, sitting in her chair with knotted arms. (10)
  • Judith, sitting on a low stool in her over-dainty sitting-room, her arms folded on her knees, heard his resonant voice, although three closed doors separated them. (12)

Also see sentences for: artillery, cannon, guns, weapons.

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