Sentence for arrive | Use arrive in a sentence

Arrive sentence examples. The sentences below are ordered by length from shorter and easier to longer and more complex. They use arrive in a sentence, providing visitors a sentence for arrive.

  • He will arrive. (10)
  • Our own arrive? (10)
  • When did he arrive? (8)
  • Father will not arrive till twelve. (10)
  • Father will not arrive till twelve. (22)
  • To-day or to-morrow his father was to arrive. (10)
  • In a little while Mrs. Mountstuart would arrive. (10)
  • We have only to hope that such a period may arrive. (4)
  • Another week, and their, day would arrive; and then! (10)
  • Say that all goes well, is it exactly you who arrive? (9)
  • Adieu, I will send you a line as soon as I arrive in town. (4)
  • Peremptory orders from England arrive, commanding her return. (10)
  • Mr. Barnum and others who were summoned did not arrive in time. (21)
  • Throned there it looked on little that did not arrive to gratify it. (10)
  • Lady Blandish forgot that she had taken some trouble to arrive at it. (10)
  • She reminded him, incidentally that her aunt would arrive early next day. (10)
  • You arrive at nothing, but the eternal digging constitutes the object gained. (10)
  • Would it arrive if the publisher of books should repudiate the Silent Bargain? (16)
  • I do not know yet when my successor will arrive, but hardly look for him before July. (14)
  • It is easy enough to buy a ticket to Cincinnati, but it is somewhat harder to arrive there. (9)
  • Now we shall arrive together in this thing, and she will be mortified for you and vexed with me. (9)
  • Enter the salle when you arrive: pass down it once and return upon your steps; then to my boudoir. (10)
  • Those of us who had the good fortune to arrive late could then have eaten our teeth in impotent rage. (7)
  • If I do, I shall arrive about the 7th of May, and I shall count on seeing you as much as possible…. (14)
  • We were quite near our hotel, but I thought it best to walk round the square and let them arrive first. (9)
  • In fifteen minutes an opera troupe, with three famous chiefs and a renowned prima-donna were to arrive. (10)
  • Let me hear from you as soon as you arrive, and in particular tell me what you mean to do with Mainwaring. (4)
  • She would arrive, if not where she wanted, at all events somewhere; which, after all, was the great thing. (8)
  • The valiant youth now saw with joy the long-looked-for opportunity arrive at his door, and he obeyed the summons. (19)
  • Taking counsel together, they resolved to strike a blow instantly before troops from France or Quebec could arrive. (19)
  • Reinforcements now began to arrive and we thought best to yield, and consequently went ashore at the spot indicated. (20)
  • Mr. Libby had not yet returned when she went back to the piazza, and she walked out on the road by which he must arrive. (9)
  • Discussion of current practices must precede all effort to arrive at definite standards for the profession of journalism. (16)
  • Mrs. Spellman received her son-in-law in her equable, unknowing manner, as if she had expected him to arrive on that day. (13)
  • There was not one chair vacant in the whole of the little drawing-room, and anxiety was felt lest someone else should arrive. (8)
  • Cut off from all communication with France, for at least ten months must his forlorn band wait before assistance could arrive. (19)
  • We finally, then, arrive at the proportion for the concrete as follows: 1 part of cement to 2 parts of sand to 4 parts of gravel. (17)
  • They were there to see the Prince-Regent arrive, and they did not suffer themselves to be distracted by any preliminary excitement. (9)
  • And in order that the azalea might arrive first, he walked up and down the Square which he and Oliver had patrolled the night before. (8)
  • Miss Naylor says we shall arrive for breakfast, and that we shall be hungry, but perhaps she will not be very hungry, if it is rough. (8)
  • Our batteries were probably toiling after us somewhere; we could only hope the enemy might delay his attack until they should arrive. (7)
  • Leaving the station at London at six in the evening, she might arrive at the Priory, all impediments counted, between ten and eleven at night. (10)
  • If one usurps more than his allowance of elbow-room, bring your charge against them that fashioned him: work away to arrive at some compass yourself. (10)
  • Lady Dalrymple and Miss Carteret, escorted by Mr Elliot and Colonel Wallis, who had happened to arrive nearly at the same instant, advanced into the room. (4)

Also see sentences for: come, ensue, flow, issue, proceed.

Definition of arrive:

  • arrive, ar-rv’, v.i. to reach any place: to attain to any object (with at_). | ns. arrv’al, the act of arriving: persons or things that arrive; arrv’ance (_shak._), company arriving. (0)

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