Sentence for asphalt | Use asphalt in a sentence

A sentence using the word asphalt. The sentences below are ordered by length from shorter and easier to longer and more complex. They use asphalt in a sentence, providing visitors a sentence for asphalt.

  • There are two types of asphalt shingle units. (17)
  • That same material used for asphalt shingles is made into roll roofings. (17)
  • Then he went on, stumping his feet against the asphalt and hunching his back. (12)
  • But after they got upon the asphalt, and began smoothly rolling over it, he seemed in no haste to begin. (9)
  • He got in, and they began rolling over that smooth Washington asphalt which makes talk in a carriage as easy as in a drawing-room. (9)
  • Over the roofing-boards should be tacked asphalt roofing felt, weighing not less than 30 pounds per 100 square feet and lapping 2½ inches. (17)
  • Another type of roll roofing is made to imitate wood shingles, by having a shingle pattern stamped with black asphalt upon the surface of crushed slate. (17)

Also see sentences for: aspersion, aspirant.

Definition of asphalt:

  • asphalt, as-falt’, or as’falt, asphaltum, as-falt’um, n. a black or dark-brown, hard, bituminous substance, anciently used as a cement, and now for paving, cisterns, water-pipes, &c. | v.t. asphalt’, to lay or cover with asphalt. | adj. asphalt’ic. (0)

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