Sentence for barbarous | Use barbarous in a sentence

Barbarous sentence. The sentences below are ordered by length from shorter and easier to longer and more complex. They use barbarous in a sentence, providing visitors a sentence for barbarous.

  • It is a barbarous and dangerous system. (14)
  • It seems really barbarous, if nobody goes near them. (9)
  • They have the barbarous habit of judging by results. (10)
  • It was barbarous to be happy when Edmund was suffering. (4)
  • I was not, however, to reach it without further detention in barbarous countries. (7)
  • However, we will put politics and sociology and the pack of their modern barbarous words aside. (10)
  • If in a world still barbarous we must have soldiers, here was one whom it would be grievous to lose. (10)
  • No revilings of comrades as ingrates: thee The tempter, misleader, and criminal (screened By laws yet barbarous) own. (10)
  • For a high-spirited gentleman like your father to approve, or at least accept, an act so barbarous is incomprehensible. (10)
  • The case admits of good pleading either way, even upon the issue whether the exclusive or the vulgar be the more barbarous. (10)
  • To the trained intelligence of the American observer it is incomprehensible how any, even the most barbarous, nation can endure them. (7)
  • He was made prisoner and placed in the custody of some of the insurgents, who, regardless of mercy and decency, butchered him in barbarous fashion. (19)
  • The intoxicating music raged there at one level depression, never rising any scale, never undulating ever so little, scarcely changing its barbarous monotony of notes. (10)

Also see sentences for: barbarian, bizarre, brutal, cruel, fiendish, grotesque, inhuman.

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