Sentence for basil | Use basil in a sentence

Basil example sentence. The sentences below are ordered by length from shorter and easier to longer and more complex. They use basil in a sentence, providing visitors a sentence for basil.

  • But Basil! (9)
  • Oh, Basil! (9)
  • Basil, I want you to try it! (9)
  • Basil stared. (9)
  • Basil yawned. (9)
  • By Basil King. (9)
  • O Basil, dearest! (9)
  • Basil put out the light. (9)
  • You see what I am, Basil. (9)
  • I do want you to try, Basil. (9)
  • Basil parted with her at the door. (9)
  • Basil broke forth in outrageous laughter. (9)
  • I want you to take the refusal of it, Basil. (9)
  • Basil drew a pretty moral from their experience. (9)
  • You certainly ought to have known better, Basil. (9)
  • But Basil was dismayed at the change that had befallen them. (9)
  • Basil and Isabel stood speechless a moment on the church steps. (9)
  • Isabel smiled, and Basil answered that they were from the East. (9)
  • Basil had hoped to approach this famous city with just associations. (9)
  • She sighed a little, and Basil leaned forward and took her hand in his. (9)
  • Basil was now forty-two, and his moustache was well sprinkled with gray. (9)
  • Basil went again to the forward promenade, and sat down to see the morning come. (9)
  • Basil cried as they glanced through an open window down the long vista of the saloon. (9)
  • She wondered that Basil could laugh at it; and he would make her hate him if he kept on. (9)
  • Basil spent five minutes in arraigning his wife and convicting her of every folly and fault. (9)
  • Among the rest, Basil and Isabel laughed, and then looked at each other with eyes of mutual reproach. (9)
  • Basil, who had descended by this time, made bold to say that he thought the diversion an odd one and rather dangerous. (9)
  • Nothing, perhaps, marked the confirmed husband in Basil more than these hidden fears and reluctances. (9)
  • He brought Basil what he had ordered in barbaric abundance, and charged for it with barbaric splendor. (9)
  • As they sat down here loverwise, Basil, as in the early days of their courtship, began to recite a poem. (9)
  • He was a colonel or at least a major, and he made a polite feint of calling Basil by some military title. (9)
  • On this, Basil had the incredible weakness to yield; and bade the driver take them to the Worcester Depot. (9)
  • Basil had secured his ticket for the sleeping-car, and so he and Isabel stood aside and watched the tumult. (9)
  • Yet it had touches of nature and reality, and Basil could not utterly despise himself for having written it. (9)
  • Then Basil said he really must run down to the office that afternoon, and he issued all aglow upon the street. (9)
  • The exertion told heavily upon her strength unawares, and she suddenly made Basil another revelation of character. (9)
  • It was in this illogical spirit of economy that Basil invited his family to the descent; but Isabel shook her head. (9)
  • Basil heard a hollow, moaning, gurgling sound, regular as that of the machinery, for some note of which he mistook it. (9)
  • She ended with a heartless laugh, in which, despite the tragical contrast her words had suggested, Basil finally joined. (9)
  • She was confessing to the priest, and she was not at all surprised to find that he was Basil in a suit of medieval armor. (9)
  • The Colonel was dispatched to see that the wraps and traps of his party were sent to this number, and Basil went with him. (9)
  • The insurance business was not what it had been, and though Basil had comfortably established himself in it, he had not made money. (9)
  • But these had been corrupted by a more ambitious architecture since Basil saw them last, and were no longer purely French in appearance. (9)
  • There were not above a dozen other people in tie room, and Basil contrasted the scene with that which the same place formerly presented. (9)
  • All this, abstractly speaking, was nothing to Basil; yet he could recollect few things intended for his pleasure that had given him more satisfaction. (9)
  • It scarcely seemed to Basil and Isabel that their fellow-passengers were so interesting as their fellow passengers used to be in their former days of travel. (9)

Also see sentences for: bashful, basin.

Definition of basil:

  • basil, baz’il, n. a mainly tropical or subtropical genus of labiatæ, characterised by a pleasant aromatic smell and taste, and reckoned amongst sweet herbs_. | sweet basil is an indian annual long cultivated in europe for seasoning purposes. (0) | basil, baz’il, n. a sheepskin roughly tanned and undressed.(0)

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