Sentence for chromatic | Use chromatic in a sentence

Use chromatic in a sentence. The sentences below are ordered by length from shorter and easier to longer and more complex. They use chromatic in a sentence, providing visitors a sentence for chromatic.

  • Explain the Greek Chromatic Scale. (3)
  • Describe the Chromatic and Enharmonic Scales. (3)
  • Chromatic and Enharmonic have already been explained. (3)
  • He was fond of introducing chromatic passages in quick movements. (3)
  • A composer who made considerable use of the chromatic element was =Gesualdo=, Prince of Venusia (1560-1614). (3)
  • To interest errand-boy and factory-girl and raw immigrant, it had to become spicy, amusing, emotional, and chromatic. (16)
  • The earliest organs had about twelve pipes, and the larger instruments three octaves, but without the chromatic intervals. (3)
  • But their scales were all diatonic (the scales they called Chromatic and Enharmonic will be explained later), they were all like our natural minor. (3)
  • The chromatic tones were added gradually, the breadth of the keys being correspondingly reduced as the increased number of keys occupied the same space as before. (3)

Also see sentences for: automatic, diplomatic.

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