Sentence for diplomatic | Use diplomatic in a sentence

Sentences with diplomatic. The sentences below are ordered by length from shorter and easier to longer and more complex. They use diplomatic in a sentence, providing visitors a sentence for diplomatic.

  • I compliment the diplomatic statesman. (10)
  • But that was only a diplomatic fiction. (19)
  • Not so diplomatic as the writer thought! (10)
  • The contractor was patient and diplomatic. (13)
  • But how that was to be contrived his diplomatic brain refused to say. (10)
  • The colonel listened as Fulkerson went on, with a grave diplomatic satisfaction. (9)
  • To obtain them, extensive commercial and diplomatic negotiations were necessary. (12)
  • In the diplomatic service, as Louisa says, you come to be known to Ministers gradually, I mean. (10)
  • In diplomatic life, the minister can scarcely escape the consciousness of his representative character. (14)
  • He had gone, as the Countess said aloud, on a diplomatic mission to Fallow field, with Andrew Cogglesby. (10)
  • The incessant fears of his diplomatic sister had succeeded in making him painfully jealous of this subject. (10)
  • The others ate, too, though their appetites might well have been affected by the diplomatic behavior of Whitwell. (9)
  • What had made her yield he could never make out; and from Mrs. Heron, a woman of some diplomatic talent, he learnt nothing. (8)
  • Everybody knows that the salaries paid by America to her diplomatic staff are insufficient, and no one knew it better than he himself. (14)
  • That he was an idealist made him more readily an actor on the diplomatic stage where America met Spain when Lowell conversed with Silvela. (14)
  • Diplomatic Wilfrid had issued the order, with the object, first, of dazzling her vision; and secondly, to set the wheels of her brain in swift motion. (10)
  • Her father was a gouty general of infantry in the diplomatic service, disinclined to unnecessary disputes, out of consideration for his vehement irritability when roused. (10)

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